DPUK online pilates

Do you want quality pilates from a physiotherapist in the comfort of your own home?

How it works

  • Pick a monthly or yearly subscription

  • Get access to 50+ videos

  • Build your own class based on goals and colour coded difficulty level

  • Feel stronger and more in tune with your body

  • Cancel anytime

I want to help you feel the benefits of pilates alongside the power of correct technique and a complete understanding of your own body.

The best bit? It’s all packed with quick, digestible 10 minute videos that you can either do individually or build a longer class to suit. your time and goals.

there are classes that can be modified to wherever you’re starting at…




Get access to over 50 videos instantly, with new videos uploaded each week.

You can cancel your plan at any time.




Save £20 and get access to over 50 videos instantly for the whole year, with new videos uploaded each week.



Try DPUK Pilates for 3 days, for less than the cost of one class.

This is a one-time only purchase.

By joining, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the Liability Waiver

keep up to date and find class recommendations on @DPUK_Pilates